on Good Friday,but made it into town for Easter Sunday.
The service, probably not what some church goers would expect,
it was like being in Victoria Station on a Monday morning!
People were in and out of the three large doors,mums dropping band members off,band members practicing their tunes and warming up.A group of small children running after a dog who peed up a pew!groups hanging around at the back having a chat...

as we were half an hour early for the service.
l said hurry up as you don't walk in if the service
has already started ..(ha ha)
After the service the band struck up..
The sound came up through my feet and filled
my body it was so moving...the boys lifted the
really heavy statue and proceeded
to carry it around the town ..stopping for short breaks.
MUCH needed as Alora is on two hills
and has many small sharp turnings in the roads..
the priest rings a bell to stop and start the procession.

my daughter and sister who fancied a bit of sunshine! some hope!
the weather in London was apparently so much better!
We went on to the coast for the afternoon and watched two sand artists
tidy up their sculpture..
the rain had washed away some detail so they were using brushes
and tools to return them to their former glory