Trying to get to know and live with the new me..
given up looking for some of the old OMPHHH!

Tuesday, 28 April 2009

Easter parade

Unfortunately we didn't make it to Alora for the service or parade

on Good Friday,but made it into town for Easter Sunday.

The service, probably not what some church goers would expect,

it was like being in Victoria Station on a Monday morning!

People were in and out of the three large doors,mums dropping band members off,band members practicing their tunes and warming up.A group of small children running after a dog who peed up a pew!groups hanging around at the back having a chat...the owner of the computer went for a coffee

as we were half an hour early for the service.

l said hurry up as you don't walk in if the service

has already started ..(ha ha)

After the service the band struck up..

The sound came up through my feet and filled

my body it was so moving...the boys lifted the

really heavy statue and proceeded

to carry it around the town ..stopping for short breaks.

MUCH needed as Alora is on two hills

and has many small sharp turnings in the roads..

the priest rings a bell to stop and start the procession.

the silver base was very ornate and heavier than the statue..the flowers smelt beautiful.

The balconies had banners and posters hanging on them...

On Monday ,not a bank holiday here ,we went to the airport to pickup

my daughter and sister who fancied a bit of sunshine! some hope!

the weather in London was apparently so much better!

We went on to the coast for the afternoon and watched two sand artists

tidy up their sculpture..

the rain had washed away some detail so they were using brushes

and tools to return them to their former glory

l hope you all had a Happy peaceful Easter...

Monday, 27 April 2009


Look who had moved in...
these little chicks are in the BBQ...

And all of these nests have busy parents flying in and out all the day feeding some noisy chicks..
There is so much going on so l'm pleased to be able to have a chance to catch up.l'm going to pop by my fav blogs now...Buenas noches!


Hola! we made it! we're here,after following the snow ploughs through Madrid on Good Friday we stopped over at Jaen on Friday night ..

Ater an early start on Saturday we arrived at lunchtime...Alora Malaga province Andalucia.
l've not been here since December though the computer popped out in March for a week..
so l was so pleased to be Green and lush much rain has fallen..
the computer is taking ages to up load so l'm going to have to do this in stages..
also l'm not sure how to alter my key board to get the correct speech marks and spelling SORRY!

Tuesday, 7 April 2009

All packed up and ready to roll!

Were all packed up and leave tomorrow afternoon...
going to catch the ferry from Portsmouth
l will be posting from somewhere hotter than here ( l hope!)
not always lucky with the weather.
Towing a horse box with NO horse! but overloaded with
building materials PLUS my sewing machine and boxes of sewing ,Paper cutting,felting ,mosaic ,beads and crocheting..
"will l make or do anything with this lot in the 10 weeks lm away"? we will have to see!!
Hopefully will have set up by the weekend ...Have a good Easter everyone xx

Sunday, 5 April 2009

Here there and everywhere...

But mainly up the wall ! lve been reading blogs but not writing in mine....
SO here is an update...

We went to Borough market one Saturday morning its so colourful with lots of
tasty food....

These mushrooms look like sea creatures!

We went for a mooch around Coloumbia Road flower was so busy..we just stayed long enough to eat a few olives ...

l loved the mosaic on the school walls..

l popped into the Rob Ryan shop and bought a couple of these lovely cards
his work is so lovely.l recently downloaded a cut out patter from just a simple picture ...
l'll have to get around to taking a picture..

l visited the Button Queen in Marylebone Road...
the week before they packed up all the buttons and
moved across the road to a new shop.
what a job it must have been!
lm glad l got there again before the move, as the OLD shop was well,
old and the new shop at No76 Marylebone lane has a modern frontage ..
l'll check this out tomorrow as lm going up that way to the clinic so l will update..

This frame over the door dates back to the festival of Britain..

all these boxes and Mr Button Queen knew where everything was!
l bought some of these buttons in all colours and sizes.And have swapped them
with the buttons on a cardi..
AND all the while lve been writing this l've been watching the film TAKEN ..
with Liam Neeson...
BRILLIANT...but by not looking all the time at the tv l miss the blood and fighting!