Trying to get to know and live with the new me..
given up looking for some of the old OMPHHH!

Sunday, 5 April 2009

Here there and everywhere...

But mainly up the wall ! lve been reading blogs but not writing in mine....
SO here is an update...

We went to Borough market one Saturday morning its so colourful with lots of
tasty food....

These mushrooms look like sea creatures!

We went for a mooch around Coloumbia Road flower was so busy..we just stayed long enough to eat a few olives ...

l loved the mosaic on the school walls..

l popped into the Rob Ryan shop and bought a couple of these lovely cards
his work is so lovely.l recently downloaded a cut out patter from just a simple picture ...
l'll have to get around to taking a picture..

l visited the Button Queen in Marylebone Road...
the week before they packed up all the buttons and
moved across the road to a new shop.
what a job it must have been!
lm glad l got there again before the move, as the OLD shop was well,
old and the new shop at No76 Marylebone lane has a modern frontage ..
l'll check this out tomorrow as lm going up that way to the clinic so l will update..

This frame over the door dates back to the festival of Britain..

all these boxes and Mr Button Queen knew where everything was!
l bought some of these buttons in all colours and sizes.And have swapped them
with the buttons on a cardi..
AND all the while lve been writing this l've been watching the film TAKEN ..
with Liam Neeson...
BRILLIANT...but by not looking all the time at the tv l miss the blood and fighting!