Trying to get to know and live with the new me..
given up looking for some of the old OMPHHH!

Monday, 25 October 2010

Olive Green


 Everyone has been picking these...Green preserve and eventually eat!
 Ours are bobbing about in salt water..we have been changing the water daily
then weekly..ours only have one week to go before we finally flavour the brine with
garlic and tomilo and other herbs and bottle them up.YUMMY...

Since the full moon back in September..thousands of kilos have been picked 


and have passed through the local co-operative..AND they are STILL smiling
And then on Saturday night we had a  wonderful full moon ....
my pictures dont show how fantastically yellow and bright the moon
was as it came up over the mountain and then  turned everthing blue
for the rest of the night................................................................
the night time temperature and dew have  made the olives only fit for oil
so there is a lot of work between now and the next full moon!..
l am good at making tea!

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