Trying to get to know and live with the new me..
given up looking for some of the old OMPHHH!

Monday, 25 October 2010

Olive Green


 Everyone has been picking these...Green preserve and eventually eat!
 Ours are bobbing about in salt water..we have been changing the water daily
then weekly..ours only have one week to go before we finally flavour the brine with
garlic and tomilo and other herbs and bottle them up.YUMMY...

Since the full moon back in September..thousands of kilos have been picked 


and have passed through the local co-operative..AND they are STILL smiling
And then on Saturday night we had a  wonderful full moon ....
my pictures dont show how fantastically yellow and bright the moon
was as it came up over the mountain and then  turned everthing blue
for the rest of the night................................................................
the night time temperature and dew have  made the olives only fit for oil
so there is a lot of work between now and the next full moon!..
l am good at making tea!

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Saturday, 11 September 2010

New camera

My sister came to visit last week which was great! and even greater was she brought me out a NEW CAMERA! l have been mucking about with it and having a read...
 SO l will be able to blog with pictures again soon.....
l am still in Spain,,the weather is still lovely and much cooler...
l am not feeling great but it is lovely to have the blue sky and sun on your back
better than the weather they are having back home in London...
As a family we haven't ever gone in for competitions on the TV or magazines, ..we would never win! and l couldn't win an argument! BUT last week my daughter felt compelled
to ring in to a radio station whilst waiting in her car, for her boyfriend at the train station..(bored!).
AND she got through .AND they chose her line 9.AND she guessed the correct title of the music..
AND SHE WON!!!!!!!!! A HOLIDAY TO BARBADOS!! it was amazing...
all she kept telling me when she phoned was that she had spoken to a spice girl!(she loved them when she was little!) Emma Bunton (baby spice) was presenting the show...l am so pleased for her, she finished her Uni course and graduated in July and has worked all summer to get some money behind her ,as she started her new PGCE course last , as the holiday is for a family of four, can she and her brother become children again!? making me  the responsible PARENT!!and able to take them with ME to Barbados!! ha ha!
SO our new philosophy is you've got to be in it to win it!! so try!

Saturday, 22 May 2010

Hello there..,

Hello Again!
l'm a bit under the weather or ill you might call it....
so I'm fed up meant to be in Spain again with my builder... but
it ain't happening at the moment!
l have Hashimoto's Hypothyroiditis YEA! I've said it!
along with lots of other things....
l've been inspired to loose all my surplus pounds and try and regain
a level of fitness by MOLLY click this link and it will take you over to her.
AND if you click here clucking-abouthypothyroid it will take you to my other
new blog..more of a rambling journal.
l will be coming back here when l have been somewhere and have something
to share other than how l'm doing!! so l hope to see you come along......
you might learn something ,that could help someone else.....
l have started a new eating plan and will be weighing in on Monday
at home of course!so hopefully you will be seeing less of me in the future!as l disapear
just like MAGIC!!!! ( here's praying! )

Saturday, 16 January 2010


WELL l needed something to get me moving on the blogging side of things..
WHAT it will take to get me on a roll with everything else?!
l was on my daily tour of my favorite blogs.....
when l popped into .a VERY talented lady ,
l saw her work in a magazine a couple of years ago and arrived at her blog after a bit of a google...
Today she has a link to Tristan Robin Blakeman , he like Freida is a gifted art quilter. He has a love of all things sparkley! and also makes little theatres..well as she mentioned he has a GIVE AWAY l popped by!what a beautiful blog...lm going back after finishing this post to check out the mosaic blog he talked about AND to enter the draw ...WELL a girls gotta do what a girls gotta do!!
you can find him here
as you can see all those dormant months have not improved my layout skills
and what l had got the hang of l have have forgotten, so back to the board..
thay say you can only improve with practice........
l just read a book on journaling inspiration which suggests you should start
WHERE YOU here goes! bare with me x