Trying to get to know and live with the new me..
given up looking for some of the old OMPHHH!

Saturday, 15 January 2011

window shopping

Its seems like ages ago BUT on the 3rd January l WENT OUT....
l gladly went to John lewis Oxford take back the broken ipod..
who wouldn't volunteer??an afternoon ALONE at the shops...
l thought ,do what you can with what energy you have, so decided that once out of the tube station l would pop into Liberty..well you would wouldn't you?
l had the camera but not a scrap of paper and pen. so wasn't able to write down who produced these
beautiful trays....BUT now l can...they are produced by ibride found here
sorry for the light flash on some of them ...
l think they are great.....................
l finally downloaded my pictures today and it was like seeing them for the first time..
ps can anyone help?how can l post up to 12 pictures in mosaic form..
l have picassa on my computer..and l am able to collage but not how l want!

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  1. Hi Donna, belated wishes for a happy, healthy and rewarding 2011. The trays are marvellous, so unusual. Bye for now. Lesley x

  2. I just had to trot along and say Hi. The reason being I loved your comments from the sofa on The Felting Fairy blog. Reason being I'm constantly sitting on the sofa musing about the meaning of life and other exciting bits. Then when I got here and saw the Poppies well that clinched it cos I'm Poppy to my grandchildren. LLX


Hi thanks for popping by. please leave a comment its good to know you've had a look l would love to to hear from you..